Sfitex 2023 post-show report


28 to 30 November, the 31st International Exhibition of technical means of protection and equipment for security and fire protection Sfitex took place at ExpoForum.

Sfitex 2023 post-show report
Over the three days of Sfitex, exhibitors were able to demonstrate new products and solutions in the field of security and fire protection. This year, the exhibition was traditionally held on the same platform as the Russian Industrialist forum, which allowed participants to hold negotiations with representatives of the region's largest industrial enterprises, including taking part in the Russian Industrialist Business Contacts Exchange.


More than 60 leading companies of the industry from Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Penza, Obninsk, Tver, Bryansk, Biysk, Novosibirsk, Petrozavodsk, Ryazan, Almaty took part in the exhibition.
The largest manufacturers and suppliers of the security industry, including BOLID NVP, GEFEST, ERVIST-SZ, TROMBON, PLAZMA-T, SPECAVTOMATIKA, TROMBON, MAGNITO-CONTAKT, TERRALINK, META, OGNEBORETS, SEGMENTENERGO, NPF POLISERVIS, FLAIMSTOP, ASK-RESOURCE, REMER, SPKB TECHNO, FACTOR, ECOTECH, IVS PTK, PARITY, CROSSLINK, and others, presented a wide range of equipment and technical means of video surveillance, notification, special communication, perimeter security systems and SCUD, fire alarm systems, fire extinguishing and fire protection.


21 companies took part in the exhibition for the first time. Among them: OAO NII Vector, Dominanta, Okhrannaya Tehnika, Industrial Union, KONTUR-SB, Effort Group, LIFT-KOMPLEX, OOO Karelpozhliniya, POZHINTEKH, SPETSAVTOTECHNIKA, OOO SYNKROSS, GC ESCORT, FORT TELECOM, Klyuchevoy komponent, OOO Universalnye Sistemy and TC MKT, OOO ACC, Centre for Software Solutions, and a number of others.
New products that were presented at Sfitex for the first time:
UAV detection systems (NII Vector), control and security systems in lifts (LIFT-COMPLEX), solutions for ACS and video surveillance (Effort Group), new generation of managed street switches TFortis PSW (Fort Telecom), warning and evacuation control systems ROXTON (ESCORT Group), solutions for radar and thermal imaging protection of facilities (Kontur SB), sound warning system (Tonmindtm), enterprise automation systems, including BIM solutions (Centre for Software Solutions), fire extinguishing systems with fine spray water (POZHINTEKH), mobile fire extinguishing units NATISK (SPETSAVTOTECHNIKA), power cells and batteries for fire alarm systems (NPTs NETIZ), gas smoke removal systems (ACC LLC), fire protection glazing systems (Dominanta), FORTEZA perimeter security alarm systems (Okhrannaya Technika CJSC), tools and staples for gabions and barbed wire fences SKOBA (Promyshlennyi Soyuz).


This year Sfitex was visited by 1380 specialists, among them heads and specialists of security departments, representatives of design and installation organisations, as well as wholesale and retail trade.
57% of visitors belong to the management staff of enterprises
93% - make purchasing decisions independently or collegially.
Up to 80% of visitors were representatives of organisations from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, which reflects a distinctive feature of all regional exhibitions: it is the regional exhibition that allows the exhibitor to "dive" into the market of the region and "reach" professionals who do not attend exhibitions in other cities.


The exhibition was visited by representatives of the largest regions of Russia: Moscow and Moscow region, Perm region, Novgorod, Vologda, Sverdlovsk, Tver regions, Chuvash Republic, and many other regions of Russia, as well as representatives of such foreign countries as Belarus, China and Uzbekistan.
Among the visitors from St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast were heads and security specialists of industrial enterprises, cultural institutions, commercial property management companies, representatives of security structures and wholesale and retail trade in security and fire protection products.


The exhibition was visited, among others, by managers and specialists of such enterprises and organisations as:
DESIGN AND INSTALLATION ORGANISATIONS: LLC "Engineering Low Current Systems", LLC "Sevzapzavnipienergoprom", LLC StroyPozhKonsult, Architectural Bureau "Settle City", COMPLETE Engineering, CJSC "PMC "Avangard", LLC "Lengiproneftekhim", LLC "Era Stroy Engineering", LLC "Gazinformservice", NPO "AtomEnergoEngineering", POZHGAZPRIBOR, LLC NPO "Modern Safety Technologies", OOO Scientific and Production Firm "SECURITY CENTRE", OOO "Lenstroyexpertiza-SPB", Building Conglomerate Renovation, OOO "SPB-SPETSPETSPROEKT", SPbF AO "CPTI", A-Engineering, SPB-GIPROSHAKHT LLC, NPF Meridian JSC, Lengiprotrans JSC, NPP Piramida JSC, GIPROBUM JSC, AN-Securiti, PSO Lenoblstroy LLC, Atomenergoproekt JSC, and others.

ENTERPRISES, END USERS OF SECURITY EQUIPMENT: SPb GKU "City Monitoring Centre", AB ROSSIYA JSC, EVROSIB, URALSIB, VimpelCom PJSC, Gazpromneft Information and Technology Operator LLC, Gazstroyprom JSC, Etalon GC JSC, St. Petersburg Metro, OSA-North, State Hermitage, AEM Spetsstal, AEM-TECHNOLOGIES Rosatom, JSC Atomenergoproekt, FGUP Krylov State Research Centre, JSC EIRC SPb, SPb GKU Transport Organiser, JSC VNII Galurgiya, JSC LOMO, SUE Petersburg Metro, JSC ODK-Klimov, JSC Concern Okeanpribor, JSC GT Morstroy, NOVATEK Ust-Luga, Russian Museum, LLC Managing Company Kosmoservis Management, LLC Zenit-Arena, SPb GKU Transport Organiser, JSC Russkiye Samotsveti, JSC Concern Marine Submarine Weapons - HYDROPRIBOR, GC Teremok, JSC Gazstroyprom, LLC OP Kvartal-Nedvizhimost, Baltika Brewery Company, JSC Russian Railways, Gazprom Pererabotka LLC, BaltTransService LLC, PATRIOT Group of Companies, FGBU MSG, SPb GKU Technical Centre of the Fire Fighting Service of St. Petersburg, Tsarskoye Selo State Museum of Fine Arts, SPb GUP ATS Smolny, GAZPROM LNG PORTOVAYA LLC, NWGU of the Bank of Russia, SPb GBUK Leningrad Zoological Park.
Wholesale and retail trade in products for security and fire protection: JSC NPF Meridian, OOO NPK TSPB, OOO Minimax, OOO TD Rusichi, RuDrones. Unmanned Technologies, SKYROS Corporation, and many others.
Share of new visitors who visited the exhibition for the first time - 57%


From 28th to 30th of November within the framework of the exhibition there was held the forum SECURITY365, organised by "MVK" LLC with the information support of RUBEZH magazine.
Among the key topics of this year's forum were:
  • Workshop: "Technologies of complex security at industrial and administrative facilities"
  • Innovative security technologies with the help of UAVs
  • Video Surveillance and Video Analytics
  • Security Directors Club
  • Workshop: "Fire Investigation and Analysis. Practical cases"
  • Anti-terrorist security
  • Design and practice of security systems using Russian BIM-tools
  • Fire safety: GOSTs and regulatory requirements
as well as:
  • Seminar of NVP BOLID on new equipment and ISO "Orion" software
  • Seminar of OOO ACC "Gas smoke removal. Design and operation"

There were 43 educational presentations by more than 45 security experts, including: representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Federal State Institution of Emergency Situations "Uvo VNG of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast", St. Petersburg University of the State Emergency Situations Ministry, SPK Antiterror, SBER, Federal State Cultural Consortium "State Hermitage". St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast", St. Petersburg University of the State Security Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, SPK Antiterror, SBER, Federal State Budgetary Cultural Institution "State Hermitage", Industry Consortium "POPSB", NVP BOLID, JSC "Research Institute "Vector", Fort Telecom, LLC "ACC", LLC "ASK-Resurs", New Technologies LLC, Kaspersky Antidrone, STC LLC, Escort Group, RusGard JSC, Avix DC LLC, Ovizhn LLC, I KO CJSC, Future Crew Innovation Centre MTS RED, NORSI-TRANS CJSC, ELIARS LLC, and many others.

A full house hosted a session on the topical area of UAV-based security, moderated by Alexey Bogdanov, Deputy Director General of the State Hermitage Federal State Institution of Culture, and Mikhail Dineev, Editor-in-Chief of RUBEJ magazine and Executive Director of the industry consortium SPSS. Among the speakers were representatives of such companies as Kaspersky Antidrone, STC LLC, NII Vector JSC, AY KO CJSC and ELIARS LLC.

On the third day of the exhibition a large audience was attracted by the session on GOSTs in Fire Safety, moderated by Alexander Sergeyevich Dorozhkin, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Fire Safety of Buildings and Automated Fire Extinguishing Systems, St. Petersburg University of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Presentations were made by representatives of the Federal Autonomous Establishment "Glavgosexpertiza Rossii", IVM SB RAS, the Graduate School of Technosphere Safety of St. Petersburg State University, the companies "Fire Safety Audit", GC ESCORT, JSC "DOM.RF".
Exhibition organiser: "MVK" company, office in St. Petersburg.
The next SFITEX exhibition will be held in November 2024 at the Expoforum Exhibition and Convention Centre
For questions on participation please contact the Organising Committee:
+7 812 401 69 55
Or fill in the application form on the website:

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